DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

On My Easel

Back in My Studio Again

So, more than one month after my last blog, we are still remaining quarantined in our own home, away from others. Along with so many others, I'm getting really tired of this. Fortunately we have lots to do around our home (and I mean that literally, like cleaning the garage, the basement, projects in the yard - and we have many acres - the list goes on) and one of the things to do is paint. Now that the weather is beginning to warm up I am spending more time in my studio. I'm also looking forward to doing some painting outdoors. 

 Now, the problem with working in a variety of mediums is when I'm working on one I want to jump into another - that is how my studio is set up. The watercolor/ colored pencil section is in one area, the acrylics are at another table, the oils at my large easel in the middle, and pastels are at the back. So I was working on an oil and I got the strong desire to work on pastels. I bought myself the basic set of Pan Pastels a few years ago and love them. I took out a 5"x7" gatorboard, grey, and started working on a white wolf. Pan Pastels do work here but the surface is a little rough and pencils with NuPastels seem to work best on this smaller size. This work-in-progress is featured in my Mar/Apr Art Apart Newsletter that I just sent out on April 30. 

(Photo is of the pastel area in my studio)

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