I love horses. It would surprise me if someone told me they hate horses. Even more so, I'm pretty sure this person would not be my friend. They are beautiful, strong, powerful yet graceful, their manes flowing as they run. How can anyone find a single flaw in such a gorgeous creature!
Over the years, living in a rural area, some of our neighbors have had horses. I take every opportunity to capture photos of them to paint later. And I have even had the opportunity to paint our neighbor's horses as a commission where I was paid (I painted 3 for one neighbor). The painting I'm featuring is a miniature of a horse who once lived in my neighborhood. Walking distance from my home, I would bring my camera and hope he was out in his corral, running and galloping about.
I used to participate in art shows. At one show a young man bought a miniature horse painting for a friend who was going off to college, leaving her horse behind. I was so impressed with his thoughtfulness, I gave him a tiny easel to display the painting for free. And gave him a small box so all he had to do was wrap it up for her.
I haven't painted as much in the past year since I've been spending more time writing. But thinking about horses and how beautiful they are has inspired me to visit my studio and, after looking through my photos of horses, pick one that I will hopefully capture in a painting. And who knows, someone might be interested in purchasing it!
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