Not a day goes by that we aren't visited by some wildlife on our property. Every day we have birds that come in; Blue Jays who let me know they are looking for peanuts, they can make enough noise to wake you up, which they have, many times, the Chickadees, and Titmouse are regular visitors, too. At this time of year I love to see the Juncos. And late day visitors are the male and female Cardinals. The Woodpeckers, Hairy and Downy, love the suet feeder, and a variety of Finches, including one of my favorites, the American Goldfinch, make an appearance as well as the favorite of so many birders, the Bluebird. And then the turkeys come, usually in a group of anywhere from 2 to 20+ looking for corn and sunflower seeds.
Besides the wide variety of birds we also enjoy seeing the squirrels, gray as well as red. The red squirrel is a big fan of a special feeder we bought, a regular sunflower seed feeder with a wire cage around it to keep out gray squirrels and bigger birds. The red squirrel is small enough that he can squeeze through the wires, have his fill of seed, and then leave.
But one of my favorite visitors, always, are the deer. Often it is a single deer with two young ones. We've been seeing a regular group of 5 and then yesterday a group of 8 showed up. Sometimes when I throw out deer chow a few, who apparently are feeling a little braver and realize I'm not going to harm them, will stand back and then as soon as they see me throwing out chow, move in a little closer. I talk to them so that they are comfortable with me and know my voice. A few days ago after they ate the chow, I looked out and several had left but a couple were standing at the back of our yard and one had curled up on the snow. I wish they would stay on our land, safe from hunters. But they are wanderers and are always on the move. Probably for the best.
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