DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

On My Easel

Last But Not Least...Mini Portrait

Shiba Inu acrylic original by artist DJ GeriboHere is the final portrait I did for Melissa - her dog, a Shiba Inu named Brittany, who is losing her hearing and eyesight. She sat very nicely for her portrait and even let us pat her.

I enjoyed painting these mini portraits and will continue to offer the mini portraits for $50 each even beyond this year (it was a 2013 special). So instead of paying several hundred dollars for a photo-realistic painting, you can have a DJ Geribo original in a painterly style in a 5"x7" size of your beloved pet. I display mine on the mini easels on a table in my living room. When people come to our home they say, oh, I see you have the kids' portraits! People always comment on how much they like them. You can also have them framed - 5x7 is a standard size so no custom framing is necessary, unless you want.


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