DJ Geribo's Art Apart Newsletter
Fall 2016
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Year-End Check Up


Fall has come and gone and now winter is upon us. We bundle up and stay indoors, mostly, here in the Northeast. And unlike last year, I plan on finishing more than one book; again my goal is to finish 3 books. But I also think they may end up being very different books than the ones I am planning to complete when I make my selections in January. Let me explain.

First, I have several children’s books to complete and that is just a matter of choosing the one I want to illustrate since I need illustrations for most of them. Although I have several other books that I’m working on and that I want to complete asap, I also started writing a new book of short stories that I am really enjoying. I love the creative process and find myself fully engaged when I let myself go there. I am easily distracted and lose interest quickly on projects so I’m thrilled that my brain is always looking for the next fix/high to keep me focused.

I also have an interesting art project that I will be working on and am excited about starting. This will test my skills as a more abstract artist; I’m always looking for a challenge!

So, year-end is going out with a full plate and lots to look forward to in the New Year!

(Oh yea, the turkeys are back!)

Writings & Musings

Following in Their Footsteps

Although my dad has been gone for many years, I still see him with a crossword puzzle, usually the one from the Sunday paper, which was more difficult than most, and a dictionary. He was a true wordsmith and would spend hours on the puzzle, poring over it and writing in the side margins of the newspaper until he was finished.

My mom, not too interested in crossword puzzles, was rarely without a book, particularly when we were older. Although she read mostly romances (I read one, once) at least she was reading, which is more than you can say for a lot of people who often don’t read much beyond the daily newspaper or the headlines from the News section of their IPads. I’ve never been much of a newspaper reader; I mostly just want to edit all the mistakes and return it to their editor.


Link to DJ Geribo's Writing Blog.

When we think about the attributes we inherit from our parents we often think about how we enjoy sports like our dad or have an interest in making clothes like our mom. Well, I enjoy crossword puzzles and I enjoy reading so I guess I take after both of my parents.

Crossword puzzles are fun, you can complete them fairly quickly (the small ones, not the NY Times ones or others of that caliber) and I always seem to learn a new word or two. Of course, they don’t beat reading (nor should they ever be compared to getting a college education, which someone once suggested to me about their wife; because this woman did crossword puzzles the husband, who was college-educated, compared his wife’s interest in crossword puzzles to someone with a four-year degree, which is so very far from the truth). Reading, to me, is the number one best way to add new words to your vocabulary, which are, of course, the tools every kind of writer needs.

So often what we inherit from our parents becomes a source of irritation and something we wish we could change. But don’t look beyond the many things you inherited that just may have helped lay the foundation for who you are and who you grew up to be. If you haven’t looked that deep into your past, perhaps it is time you shook hands with the part of you that just may be your true path to fulfillment.

Although I don't paint a lot of florals, and I'm never really thrilled with how they come out, that doesn't stop me from trying. Somehow, when I keep working on them, they eventually start resembling a floral and then suddenly I think, "hm, not bad."

A favorite of everyone up here in the Lakes Region of NH where I live, the Loon was sold soon after I painted her. Surprising though, for all the Loons that I do see on the lake, I haven't been able to get many photos of them. They are usually farther out in the lake and then duck under water to feed.

The sunsets around here can be quite amazing. We live in an area that has a big exposed sky so we are often fortunate to have gorgeous sunsets (and sunrises, too!) And I never tire of painting them, either.
I have been fortunate to get a couple of really good close ups of a few different birds. One was the Chickadee that I painted here. She was actually sitting on my finger so I just substituted a branch for my finger.
My Books
I have been doing my best to promote my lastest book, “Mouse Bound”, by participating in a couple of Holiday Fairs this fall. One of my favorite shops in town, Always in Season, held a book signing event for me where I also sold some of my mini paintings. From this event I donated 10% of my sales to the charity, ‘End 68 Hours of Hunger’.

Gilman Librarian Holly Brown and DJ Geribo holding "Mouse Bound"

I also participated in a couple of other events-one was a book event in Lowell, MA at the Western Ave. Studios. This is a huge old mill building that has been converted into individual studios, housing nearly 300 artists and other crafters. And they have a wonderful Gallery for other artists who want a space but not a studio: the cost, although minimal, obligates you to gallery sit, also. After the hour and a half ride home the night of the book event, I decided it was just too far.

And, of course, I donated a copy of “Mouse Bound” to our local library. A supporter of everything I’ve done in this town, this is the least I can do to help them out.

All of my books can be purchased through our publishing website,

Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.”     
                                      ~Jackson Pollock


The Lakes Region Art Association Gallery is located at the Tanger Outlets in Tilton, NH. The hours are 10am-6pm on Fri, Sat, and Sun.
LRAA Gallery Updates

This season has been quite busy at the gallery with lots of sales from holiday shoppers. We are also trying to stay open almost everyday, which has helped. I'm sure we will go back to our Fri, Sat, Sun schedule once the Christmas rush has passed. But for now, many of us are doing double or triple shifts.

Since I love painting my minis and they are a popular gift item (as my husband, Jim says, everyone should own a piece of original art) I decided to bring some in to the gallery at Tanger Outlets. I've also brought a selection of dog and cat cards that are displayed on the gallery's card rack.

On My Easel

In my last newsletter I mentioned the "6x6 for $66" special event that we had at both the Lakes Region Gallery in Tilton, NH and the VynnArt Gallery in Meredith, NH. Since I was just preparing for the event and had just picked up the two canvases, I did not have any idea what I was going to paint. But since the event is now nearly over and we will pick up the canvases that did not sell, I thought I would show my favorite of the two that I painted.

Although I sell my 6x6 gallery-wrapped canvases for $80, this was a special Holiday event so I will honor that price and sell my 6x6 painting for $66 should anyone realize their life would be so much better if they had the painting of two snuggley ducks in their possession. Otherwise, since I am quite pleased with how it came out, it will be hanging on my wall.

Go to My Website to See My Latest Paintings

Holiday Orders
I was thrilled to receive a phone call for this commission portrait of Otis, a Cockapoo. With lots of curly black poodle-type hair, he was adorable, well-behaved, and so much fun to paint. By the way, this order came in via my website! The woman told me she searched and I came up first for local portrait artists!

We also received an order for a pair of Gorilla earrings. This takes a little more time than a regular portrait since I paint them on black onyx and then the findings have to be added and they need to be polyurethaned and dried completely before shipping. The order was shipped and received in time for Christmas! I would love to see the look on the faces of those who receive my art pieces for Christmas gifts! 



Someone who is an author, an artist, and an entrepreneur.  Any person who writes or has a published novel, who paints fine art/illustrations, and also has established businesses using the combination of artistic talents.
                                                                - DJ Geribo


What I'm Reading

So, I did read a couple of books recently. I actually signed up with Goodreads and my goal was to read 20 books this year. I do not think I will reach that goal but I will come close to it.

My problem, as always, is focus. I pick up a new book at the swap shop and I want to read it now. But, oh yea, I just started this other book and I still have these two books to finish. I’ve been reading about ADHD in Scientific American Mind, one of my favorite magazines, and I very well may be suffering from the malady. Or perhaps I just don’t read fast enough and don’t have the patience with myself because I’m ready to move onto the next book. Maybe I need to learn about ‘living in the moment’ and practice meditation more often.

In the past three months I read the following: Spy Killer (a pulp fiction novel by L.Ron Hubbard), The Beans of Egypt, Maine by Carolyn Chute, and The Stranger by Camus. Quite a varied selection, I know. This seems to be what interests me these days, variety. I read a lot of Juvenile Fiction at the beginning of the year and I needed a change so turned to more adult novels. Although none were Pulitzers, Camus did win the nobel prize for literature in 1957.

My short reading list for 2017? If you guessed Pulitzers, you would be right!

Go to My Blog to See What I'm Currently Reading

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